O O O OF., No.O, O St., O Dist., O O City 000, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Phone (Home): +886-0-00000000 Phone (Cell): +886-900-000-000 Email: O@yahoo.com.tw Education O O O University, Master of Engineering Sept. 2005 - June 2007 Major: Mechanical Engineering O O-O University, Bachelor of Engineering Sept. 2001 - June 2003 Major: Biomechatornic Engineering O O University, Associate of Engineering Sept. 1996 - June 2001 Major: Mechanical Engineering Work Experience RD Enginer Aug. 2007 - current Research and Development, O Co., Ltd. O Developed new products and analyzed abnormal problems with the products Used Design of Experiments (DOE) and AutoCAD to design new product shapes and determine numerical optimization Tasked with cost cutting and process improvement. Worked closely with South Korean, Japanese, and Taiwanese customers. Conferences 2007: Simulation of an Atomic Force Microscopy’s Probe Considering Damping Effect, COMSOL Conference in Taipei. 2007: Simulation of an Atomic Force Microscopy’s Probe Considering Damping Effect, CSME24th at O O O University. Certificate/License Level C computer assisted mechanical drawing technician Level B pneumatic technician Computer Skills Microsoft Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint and Matlab. Language Skills Fluent in Mandarin Chinese Proficient listening, speaking, writing and reading in English. Autobiography My name is O O. I graduated from O O O University’s Mechanical Engineering Graduate School in 20OO. My master thesis was entitled "OOOO". My research was selected for presentation at the 24th Taiwanese National Conference on Mechanical Engineering and the COMSOL conference in Taipei in 2007. During my time at university, I acquired two certificates from the Taiwanese Council of Labor Affairs, recognizing my skills as a Level C computer assisted mechanical drawing technician and a Level B pneumatic technician. After attaining my masters degree in engineering, I began working at O Technology Company as a RD engineer, where I first worked on troubleshooting problems with our products and providing the best solutions for our customers. My work at O has since shifted to being primarily in charge of devising new products, improving existing products and establishing optimal design parameters, such as the selection and testing of new materials and shapes, accounting for stress and structural analysis. This work experience has made me learn a lot about the importance of good communication skills and I have also learned that it is sometimes necessary to change my perspective and approach when tackling a problem. In my spare time, I enjoy jogging, hiking and swimming. In addition, I study English everyday, which is a necessary for when I need to communicate with international clients and customers. I am a very diligent worker because I believe that through hard work, any problem can be solved. I believe that my enthusiasm to learn new things will help me quickly adjust to a new work environment with ease. I hope you will give me the chance to prove myself.
1)A very strong resume with just a few grammar corrections
1)For a job in the US, remember that a cover letter is the norm, which typically contains no information about your family. Rather, the letter should start with a personalized sentence about the job you are applying for. For example: I am interested in applying for the advertised position for an RD engineer.
2)People who read your letter might not be familiar with O, so it would be good to include a description of what the company specializes in
3)I would advise against mentioning any weakness you might have, so I rewrote your sentence about being diligent to emphasize that you are a hard worker.