


Personal data
Name O-O O
Gender O
Age O years old
Date of birth O O, O
Place of birth O, Taiwan
Nationality Taiwan
Passport number:
Cell phone O
E-mail O@hotmail.com.tw
Health Excellent
Height weight Ocm / Okg
Eye sight
Relationship status Single
Sep. O - Jun.O O O O University
Major: O O
Minor: O
Work Experience:
Feb. O - present Research assistant in O
Jun. O - Oct. O Internship at O O Consulting Company
Qualification and certificates
Oct. O TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) Level I qualification
Apr. O TOEIC scored 830 points
May O Certificate of Taiwan ICDF Overseas Volunteer’s Training Course
Sep. O TOFEL-iTP scored 523 points
O Certificate of CPR
O - O Ballet qualification Level 1-3, Royal Academy of Dance
Hobbies and interests:
Hobbies: I like traveling, and I am interested in exploring different cultures and learning new things. I also like to socialize with people. I participated in lots of activities at college, which I enjoyed very much.
Sports: I played badminton for my departmental team for three years. Participating in sports refreshes me and recharges my batteries.


I would like to apply for the position advertised on your website. To be a flight attendant has been my dream since the first time I traveled abroad. Flight attendants’ good service and warm smiles made a big impression on me. I like to smile and interact with people, and I also like to help others. While at senior high school, I joined the sign language club. Sign language is a tool for me to communicate with more people and take better care of them. In the club, I was chosen to be a teaching assistant because of my patience. I adjusted my oral expression in order to be able interact meaningfully with all of the club’s members. The time I spent as member of the club was a memorable and precious experience. Moreover, I developed my interests in language. I minored in the foreign language and literature department to improve my English skills. I also took Japanese and German classes. Though I just learned the basics of these languages, I think it is a good way for me to be able to meet new friends. In the process of learning new languages, I have gained knowledge of the different cultures and how to understand them.
Due to my enthusiasm for helping others, I joined the Overseas Volunteer’s Training Course, held by Taiwan ICDF. In the course, I gained new insight into and a new view of the world. It taught me how to observe the needs of others and choose the right way to help them. Last year, I participated in an activity called “Zi Jing Film Festival” at my school. In the activity, I learned to serve the audience as a real waitress. I learned to meet the needs of consumers and deal with their complaints. It was a great sense of achievement for me when I helped audience members and received grateful smiles as feedback. After the experience, I had even greater certainty that I want to be a flight attendant. I am now pursuing this dream to the best of my abilities and would appreciate an opportunity to work for your company, where I will be a great asset to your team and in your professional environment can hone my skills to perfection.

A well-presented resume and autobiography, which gives the impression of professionalism and neatness. Well done!