I was born in O, O. I am the oldest son, the oldest grandson and the oldest great grandson in my family. My name, O-O, in Chinese, implies that they hope me to be a cultured and powerful man. I follow my dreams. To play in the O-O Tournament, I practiced very hard to join the baseball school team. I overcame many obstacles, such as injuries, and was able to be the starting, winning pitcher in the O-O Tournament when I was a senior. From OOOO toOOOO, I pursued two topics simultaneously for my masters degree. One was “Implementation of Laser-induced Autofluorescence Imaging Techniques for Colorectal Cancer and Polyp Tissue Studies,” which is utilizing spectral image-processing techniques to sharpen the differences between normal tissues, polyps and cancer to overcome the blind spots of endoscope inspections. The other topic was optical analysis among different shapes of swimming goggles, which used formulas I derived myself to get the dioptors of swimming goggles under water and prove them by experiments. I entered the Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, O O University, in OOOO. My adviser was Dr. O-O O, who comes from the Center for OOO, OOO. My major project was to build an instrument from zero to get nano-scale spatial resolution and the spectra of one single nano-object (single molecule, single carbon nano-tube, single quantum dot and so on) at the same time. Dr. O studied under two Nobel Prize winners, Dr. OO(1981, Physics) and Dr. OO. O (1999, Chemistry), so he always sets the highest standards. Under Dr.O rigorous instruction, I not only made much progress, but also became a more rigorous scientist. I was not only the first student who passed the qualification exam, but I was the only student on scholarship among my classmates. To quit in my fifth year was a difficult decision, but I had to sacrifice for my family. I joined the core team of reform and modernization process in my company. Thus, I know how to make a company better. I am a PMP (Project Management Professional). I was also given NPDP (New Product Development Professional) training. Thus I know the standard methods regarding New Product Development. I also completed the Dale Carnegie Course, training me in effective communication and interpersonal relations. I think my abilities will be a real asset to your company. I hope I can make myself fit into your company and learn most of the skills I need to begin making a real contribution within a few months. I also hope I am qualified to lead a team to ute important tasks and make solid contributions within one year. I hope I can play my role well, learn in my work and grow together with your company.
Strong CV and autiobiography. Employ cover letter format when applying to jobs in West.