



I come from Taiwan; my father is an executive, my mother is a homemaker, and I have O older brothers. Our parents always taught us that, in daily life, the most important thing is never to forget where we come from, and that it is very important to behave properly. Although I am the youngest, I am always the first to help my parents with whatever they need. My greatest strengths are maturity, modesty and willingness to learn, and I would describe myself as introspective, gentle and quiet.

In my spare time, I like to listen to music, watch films and make soap by hand. I also enjoy taking day trips and attending handicraft classes. I think it is good to develop more skills for self-improvement; at the moment, I am using the spare time I have until I find a new job to attend courses on making soap and to improve my computer skills.

When I was OO, I went to the O O to study at a boarding school. While living in a foreign country, I found that I needed to solve a variety of problems by myself, which taught me to be very independent.

On graduating from boarding school, I continued my studies at the O College of O and O in the OO, following which I studied fashion design at the O Institute of O and O, graduating in OOOO.

After working for about O years, I decided to have a change of pace, so, since I am interested in O culture, I went to O, where I studied O for O years.

After graduating from college, I came back to Taiwan, where I first worked in a fashion company as an administration/fashion assistant for O years. I then worked as a fashion designer for nearly O years in O. After studying O in O from OOOO to OOOO, I came back to Taiwan, and worked as a warehouse assistant for O years.

People working together in a company all have different backgrounds, skills and knowledge, and I believe that we can all learn from each other. I also think that teamwork is very important. Especially when senior colleagues give me their opinion, I always try to take their good advice to heart.

My work experience, both in the fashion industry and as an administrative and warehouse assistant, provided me with a stable foundation based on many years of work experience.

Whenever my job requires it, I am willing and eager to learn new skills, because I think it is very important to improve myself, especially if I can acquire skills that can be useful in performing my duties.

Thank you for taking the time to review my application. I am available for interviews to discuss my qualifications further, and please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

It was a good idea to divide your biography into sections, which makes it much easier for the reader to understand what you are trying to communicate and to find the information they are looking for. I changed the heading “STUDYING PROCESS” to “EDUCATION.”

For all your commas, you used the “full-width comma” (,), and one enumeration or ideographic comma (、). I changed them to the Western comma (,) — This is standard practice in English; the full-width comma is used only in Chinese or Japanese text. Remember that in English, a comma (or period) should always be followed by a space.

Be careful with your punctuation in general, as sloppy punctuation creates an impression of someone who is careless and does not pay attention to details. Here is an example: “I become very independent, , After graduate from the boarding school...” should be written: “I became very independent. After graduating from the boarding school...”

Since your name appears in the title, it is unnecessary to start with “My name is XX.”

In a sentence like “My strength[s] are mature, modest and willing to learn things,” you should use the noun form to describe your strengths (“maturity, modesty and willingness”), not the adjective form (“mature, modest and willing”).

Avoid using contractions like “I think it’s good to develop 2nd skills,” which are too informal for business correspondence and create an unprofessional impression. Rather say, “I think it is good to develop second skills.”

It is “At the moment,” not “At moment.”

You just mention that you studied at “an art college.” It is better to be specific, so I added the names of the colleges you attended as listed in your resume.

In the sentence “weather as an administration assistant or warehouse assistant,” it should be “whether” (是否), not “weather” (天氣).