



Name: O-O Lu (O Lu)

DOB: O 00, 0000
Marital Status: Married
Address: 0Fl., No.00, Lane 000, O-O Rd.,
O O., New Taipei City 235, Taiwan
Contact Tel: 00-00000000(H), 0900-000000(Mobile)
E-Mail: OO@yahoo.com.tw


Aug 0000 - Aug 0000 O O Institute, O, U.S.A.
Master of Science degree in Computer and Information Sciences
Aug 0000 - Jan 0000 Intensive English Program,
O O Subordinate Unit, R.O.C. O
Intensive English learning short-term program
Jan 0000 - May 0000 O Program, O O Academy, Taiwan
Required program for higher rank promotion

Apr 0000 - Dec 0000 English Regular Class,
O O Language Institute,Taiwan
Intensive English learning program (trained to be a O O)
Sep 0000 - Apr 0000 O O Academy, Taiwan
Communication and Electronics


Oct 0000 – Mar 0000 Manager of Administrative Department
O Maritime Corp.
Main tasks include HR, general affairs, ISO 90001, purchasing, establishment and revision of company policy.

May 0000 – May 0000 Chief of Academic Affairs
O International Consulting Co.
Responsible for marketing, recruiting, consulting, curriculum for on-site degree programs in Taiwan and acting as a contact window with foreign universities

Sep 0000 – Jan 0000 Discipline Officer
O Bilingual School
Helped junior high students establish proper behavior and take responsibility for various student affairs

Sep 0000 – Sep 0000 O Instructor
O O University of Technology
Teach basic O science
Responsible for student affairs, counseling, and taking care of emergencies

May 0000 – Aug 0000 Secretary of Chief Director
O O Subordinate Unit, R.O.C. O Managed paperwork and arranged schedules
COMPUTER SKILLS MS Office Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, DOS, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, LINUX, Windows NT, JAVA, Java Script, PhotoShop, FrontPage, HTML, Micromedia Flash, Dreamweaver
LANGUAGES English, Mandarin, Taiwanese dialect

Dec 0000 Ranked 3rd in English Regular Class,
O O Subordinate Unit, R.O.C. O
May 0000 Ranked 2nd in O Regular Class,
O O Subordinate Unit, R.O.C. O
Aug 0000 The “O O” Award, R.O.C. O
Oct 0000 Ranked No. 1 in Intensive English Class,
O O Subordinate Unit, R.O.C. O
Apr 0000 The Order of Loyalty and Diligence, R.O.C. O

March 0000 ~ February 0000
I was born in a small town at O County, Taiwan, O years ago. At the age of O, I graduated from the O Academy with a major in Communication Electronics and became a primary military officer with the rank of second lieutenant. My main job was related to communication, especially in the field of electronic signals. Due to my excellent performance, I received a lot of awards.

March 0000 ~ December 0000
English has always been my interest. After a few years’ service in the O, I passed the entrance examination and enrolled in the English Regular Class of the O O Language Institute. I received intensive English training there for about 2 years, and my English ability has improved rapidly ever since. In addition, I ranked third in my class when I finished this training program.

January 0000 ~ August 0000
Upon graduation from OOOO, I was reassigned back to my original unit to continue my military service. I was mainly responsible for staff work. I also achieved a marvelous record on my job and in 0000, I was admitted to a O Regular Class, a training program necessary for promotion in the O. With my every effort, I ranked second in my class upon graduation. Shortly after that, I joined a six-month English training program held by my own unit. I finished that program as the top student in my class.

September 0000 ~ September 0000
Owing to my previous excellent records, I was approved to study abroad in the U.S.A. with the expense covered by the government. At that time I felt that computer science offered more opportunity and potential for the future. Besides, I am fond of advanced technology. In 0000, I graduated with a Master of Science degree in Computer and Information Sciences from Knowledge Systems Institute in Illinois. My grade point average was 3.94, which indicates how much hard work I put into the program.

October 0000 ~ August 0000
When I came back to Taiwan from the U.S.A., I was then chosen to be the secretary of the chief director of my unit. Most of the work centered on management. I gained familiarity with paper management and schedule arrangements. My interpersonal communication skills and managerial abilities developed through my secretary experience with people of various departments.

September 0000 ~ June 0000
In 0000, I decided to switch my job to be a college military instructor. With my devotion and hard work, I passed the examination and finished the required training in 0000. Luckily I obtained the highest scores and defeated 200 O O from different branches of service. Thus, I was assigned to O O University of Technology to work as a O instructor teaching basic O Science. O instructors are responsible for student affairs, counseling, and taking care of emergencies. My teaching skills also developed well because of this position.

June 0000 ~ January 0000
Immediately after retirement from the O, I was fortunate to land a job in a bilingual junior high school, O bilingual school at O, serving as a teacher mainly responsible for student discipline. There were six people in our office including four English speaking foreign teachers, one Chinese teacher and me. We collaborated closely to give our best to the students there. In a few months, I quit this job because I found it was a little far away to commute to work as the school is located deep in the remote mountains.

May 0000 ~ May 0000
In 0000, someone found my resume on an online job bank and called me for an interview. I was offered a consultant job in an overseas study company. Recruiting students and consulting were the main jobs. After half a year, I was promoted to be the chief of academic affairs in charge of application, enrollment, grades, graduation and correspondence with foreign universities. Our company held classes in Taiwan.and students could earn master’s degree when they finish and pass the required courses.

  The overall flow and quality of the English in this resume and autobiography are quite strong. However, there are a few areas of inconsistency. For example: grammar – the first part of an entry will be present tense, but the second part past tense. Or you’ll have a list of nouns (HR, general affairs) mixed with a list of verbs (revise, purchase). Also, punctuation – for abbreviations do you use a ‘.’or not? We have ‘September,’’Sep’ and U.S.A. Usually ‘Sep’ should be ‘Sept’, if it will fit. I imagine you’ve made the punctuation decisions you made so you could keep the formatting smooth. If that’s the case, it appears you’ve chosen the lesser of two evils, but try to be consistent on these things if you can. Cleaning up inconsistencies can demonstrate attention to detail and adherence to correct procedures as well as the willingness to ‘go the extra mile’ to make sure things are done correctly.

Meanwhile, the more important thing that needs to be addressed in this resume is its timeliness. It appears to be quite out of date, with the last autobiography entry ending in May 0000 and the last employment entry dated 0000. This makes me wonder what you’ve been up to for the last couple of years and employers will always fear the worst (Has this guy been in jail for the last two years or what?) Either address these gaps in the resume itself or in the cover letter.

Under the employment history area, your work descriptions are a bit prose-like and tend to lack verbs or details, which makes your experience seem a little obscure and bland. The usual approach in this area is to have bullet points. Because I’m not familiar with the content of your work, I couldn’t fix this for you, but consider the impact of these two sentences: ‘Main tasks were establishment and revise of company policy’vs ‘Coordinated 10-member team over 3 months to write 270-page company policy manual for 500-employee ship-building firm’ What we’re trying to do here is show what you have delivered.

Finally, October, 2000 – September, 2001 – These kinds of entries do not require commas. We only need commas when there is a specific date: October 21, 2000 – September 7, 2001