Dear Sir or Madam, My name is O-O O. I received a master’s degree in chemistry from National O O U....修改建議:
Very good English! I did not have to change very much,.... -
Biography: OO O O O (中文名) Being on the verge of attaining a master’s degree from National OO Univ....修改建議:
It is usually a good idea to start your biography with .... -
Dear Sir or Madam, For my undergraduate degree, I studied mechanical engineering at OOOOOOO Univers....修改建議:
Overall, I think it’s good! If anything, it’s a little .... -
Biography: O, O-O (OOO) I am a specialist in the field of polymer processing, with a master’s deg....修改建議:
Starting your biography with “My name is...” is a bit u.... -
My name is O-O-O, I am from O. I studied chemical engineering at National O University of O. I am....修改建議:
Always leave a single space after punctuation marks. (f.... -
Dear Sirs: I graduated from National O O University with a Master's degree in Chemistry, speciali....修改建議:
A great cover letter, well done! You have provided .... -
My name is O O O. I was born in O, O, and grew up in O. I graduated from National O University of ....修改建議:
Overall, this is a well-written autobiography. Howe.... -
I am a graduate student studying in at National O O University, majoring in Laboratory Biotechnology....修改建議:
An excellent, detailed cover letter, well done! “I a.... -
Biography: Jing-Ren (Luo羅景仁) With a master’s degree in OOOOOOOOO from OOOOOOOO OOOOO OOO Universi....修改建議:
It is better not to start your autobiography with “My n.... -
My name is O-O O. I am from O City, Taiwan. I am seeking a position as a semiconductor engineer, a j....修改建議:
A great cover letter: well thought out and tailored spe.... -
Biography: O-O O (OOO) I am applying for a position as semiconductor engineer, a job for which I ....修改建議:
Your English is really pretty good, so I focused on fix.... -
Dear [sir/madam], I grew up in OO with O elder sister and graduated from O O University with a de....修改建議:
[sir/madam] Replace with name of your contact at the co.... -
Autobiography I am OOO-OOOO OOOOO. OOOOO is my English name. I was born in OOOOOO, but I grew up an....修改建議:
Well-written and concise. I only had to make minor revi.... -
Biography: OOOO-OOO OOOOO Telephone: E-mail: Family Background My name is OOOO-OOO OOOOO, and ....修改建議:
Remember to put your name and contact details at the to.... -
I was born in O, O. I am the oldest son, the oldest grandson and the oldest great grandson in my fam....修改建議:
Strong CV and autiobiography. Employ cover letter forma.... -
My name is Curtis O O-O. I am O years old and graduated from OO University of Technology in O with a....修改建議:
I cleaned up the formatting – the whole resume was in t.... -
O, O-O ? Citizenship: O (O.O.O.) ? Date of birth: O OO, OOOO Contact details Tel: 06-0000000 C....修改建議:
The technical sections like “Publications,” “Skills,” a.... -
O, CHEN O-O OF.-3, No.O, O St., O Dist., O City O Taiwan (R.O.C.) Tel: 00-0000000/0900000000 E....修改建議:
Rewrite the autobiography in cover letter format and di.... -
O-O O OF, No. O, O Street, O District, O O City O, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Phone: O E-mail: O Obje....修改建議:
I cleaned up the formatting to make it easier to read a.... -
O O O OF., No.O, O St., O Dist., O O City 000, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Phone (Home): +886-0-00000000 ....修改建議:
Resume: 1)A very strong resume with just a few grammar....